A letter to the Church in the 21st Century. 


Coming Soon


At the start of the second decade of the 21st century it is unfortunately painfully obvious that the fabric of society all around the world is crumbling around us, and it is equally obvious that the rate of this decay is accelerating with each passing year.  Matters like honour and integrity are no longer considered important and it is clear that for the most part people have a little regard for others.  The hearts of many have grown cold, nations rise against nations, and there are floods and famine and earthquakes.


Even more alarmingly it is apparent that the church has declined to the point of being so utterly fragmented as to be unrecognisable as the Bride of Christ.  While the world is decaying around us most Christians are busy playing church, comfortable to feel good about themselves having “gone to church” each week.  Unfortunately we no longer reflect the Glory of the unspeakably Holy God.  Week after week thousands of church services are held all around the world with the presence of God numbingly absent.


If this is all there is to Christianity then Jesus Christ hung on the cross for nothing.  This was meant to be a stunningly fresh and exciting journey, as the unendingly creative God writes each of our life stories, there for us to see unfold, as in obedience we follow the gentle whisper of His Spirit.


There is a message that God wants delivered to His people and like Moses I am fully aware that in myself I am wholly inadequate to deliver this message on behalf of God, and yet the sense of urgency continues to grow.


And so, in obedience we have formed this website.  The message will be coming soon in the form of a “Letter to the Church in the 21st Century”.


This will not be a feel good, “peace, peace” message, but a call to the “remnant” to rise up and rebuild the "Temple and Jerusalem" on the original foundation as we prophesy to the dry bones and say “live”.

Letter to the Church in the 21st Century

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